Secondary Market Municipal Bond Insurance

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Assured Guaranty offers secondary market insurance for approved municipal bonds trading in the secondary market or held by investors. Such insurance allows investors to meet portfolio credit requirements cost-effectively, obtain greater comfort on positions they want to hold, or increase the value of securities they plan to sell.

To be eligible, the bonds must meet our underwriting criteria. We can provide immediate quotes to qualified institutional investors and traders for thousands of credits, including for recent new issues that qualified for insurance in the municipal market. We are also happy to consider credits that we have not yet pre-approved.

We offer secondary market insurance in two ways:

  • Institutional investors and broker-dealers may call our Secondary Market Desk at 212 408 6067 for secondary market insurance, subject to our approval process.

  • Users of Bloomberg Terminals can find indicative insurance pricing and availability information for AGM insurance on the Bloomberg All Quotes (ALLQ) page and then contact our secondary market desk by telephone, email or over the Bloomberg messaging network.  To view insurance pricing, users simply load a nine-digit municipal CUSIP and navigate to the All Quotes page with the command ALLQ (e.g., {123456789 Muni ALLQ }). Indicative prices for AGM to insure $1 million in par amount appear in the Ask Price column, expressed as the price per bond. The amount of insurance potentially available is also displayed if the user activates the Show Bid/Ask Sizes column in the ALLQ Settings menu. To initiate a purchase of insurance, users may contact Assured Guaranty’s secondary market desk over the Bloomberg network by sending messages to Evan Boulukos, or Leonard Lasek,

Assured Guaranty does not sell bonds, and we do not offer bond insurance directly to individual bondholders. If you are an individual who wishes to own insured bonds, please contact your broker or financial advisor.

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